November 2, 2009

A Good Thing

A week ago Big Bear and I both woke up feeling like we were getting a cold. Right away I started taking Esberitox. My mom told me about this a while back, and I swear it is the best stuff out there. For me it works a lot better than Airb0rne.
Any time I feel like I am coming down with something I start taking this as soon as possible. I honestly think it has helped me several times. Last week I still had a stuffy nose, but nothing I couldn't deal with. Big Bear, on the other hand, was down and out. He really has had a hard time getting over this cold. I tried to get him to take some of the Esberitox, but he didn't believe me. He ALMOST said I was right, almost. :o)

Right now I can only find Esberitox at a health food store and Whole Foods. It is a little expensive, but I really think it is worth it!


  1. Good to know!
    Last week I started feeling sick and I took Airborne which I think really helped a lot. I will have to get some of this stuff to have on hand just in case...

  2. I'm definitely going to check that out. I have a little cold right now, but I took Cold Eeze and I think it is working. Airborne did nothing for me when I took it before my China trip. I was so mad and I've never bought it again!

  3. thanks for sharing. I'm always looking for new remedies for this.

  4. your Uncle Darrell buys echinacea. I guess why this product gets a good price to the digger.
