May 13, 2011

All In One Week We Had...

Teacher Appreciation Week

Nugget took some little goodies for his teachers. 
Even though as a whole I am not a fan of his current daycare, there are a couple of teachers that I am thankful have been there for Nugget.  I must say that Nugget is never timid, sad, or stressed when I go and pick him up at the end of the day.  In general, I think he is cared for. 

Bear and I have decided, though, that we will be looking for a new daycare for next school year.  I believe I have found one, so keep your fingers crossed.

Mother's Day
Beautiful flowers from my mom.
What an amazing day!!!  For the last several years the only thing I wanted to do on Mother's Day was stay in bed and pull the covers over my head.  This year was different.  It was fun! 

We had my parents over for brunch.  Bear makes the best Irish potatoes.  Yum!  Nugget and Bear gave me the perfect Dooney and Burke!  LOVE it! 

After an enjoyable morning and a long nap, the three of us took a drive.  We stopped for an ice cream and a little romp in a park.

Nugget LOVES water!
My boys!
Don't do it, 
but he did...
The Park

The weather on the Monday after Mother's Day was perfect.  I decided I wanted to pick Nugget up from 'school' and take him down to the park.

Nugget had more fun pulling apart leaves than he did playing on the equipment.

Looking back at the pictures I can now see that Nugget didn't look well.  By the time we got home from the park Nugget was sick.  Poor Baby!  At home he tried to play a bit, but kept laying down and nothing made him happy.  Within the hour he had chills and a fever of 104.2`.  

On Tuesday I took Nugget to the docotor's office.  He has bronchitis again ~ we're back to breathing treatments and an antibiotic.  I keep hoping THIS will be the last time. 

Sick Day
Nugget and I stayed home on Wednesday.  While I was in the kitchen I noticed things were too quiet!  I walked over to see this:

Nugget pulled the beanbag chair over to his books and had been 'reading'.  LOVE it!  I hope he always enjoys books like this.
I'm trying to read here.


  1. Loved the comments about Mother's Day. I thought about you last Sunday. Glad you had such a special day - and many more to come.

  2. Oh, I love the bean bag chair by the books!! Glad you had a nice Mother's Day. It's a treat to get special attention for a full day ;) Hope Nugget is feeling better by now, poor little guy.

  3. So happy that you got to have a wonderful mother's deserved! There are so many more to come!!

    Love that the quietness turned into a great opportunity to do a little reading. Jenny has started doing that too and it gets me every time! Gooooodness I love these kids!!!

    Hope the new day care is a winner!
