February 2, 2012

Preschool ~ Already??

Today the three of us went to a open house at the preschool we are seriously considering sending Nugget to in the fall.

I'm not ready!

I am having a hard time wrapping my little brain around the idea that in a few short months Nugget's school career will be starting.

I'm not ready!

I know it's 'only' preschool, but it is at the school where Nugget will probably attend elementary school.

I'm not ready!

We weren't in a building separate from the other classrooms.  We were just downstairs from the big kids.  We saw the library, the gym, and the music room where Nugget will have class, just like the big kids.

I'm not ready!

The preschool program is Montessori based, which I think will be great for Nugget.  There were Chinese New Year activities set up around the room.  That was cool to see.  Nugget really like the panda center.  So much so he wanted to take the panda home.  Even though I was impressed with the school, the room, and the environment...

...I'm STILL not ready!!!

Is it terrible that I want Nugget to stay my baby?   I don't want to let go, not even if it's just a little bit.

I'm not ready, yet!


  1. No way! Preschool already? How in the world is that possible? Nugget is too cute :-)

  2. I agree with Sandra. It seems unbelievable that it's time for pre-school. Why can't our babies stay babies forever?

  3. Oye! Pre-school already? Noooo!! I'm with you in wanting my baby to stay a baby longer! How is it that our kiddos who took forever to arrive and growing up in the blink of an eye??

    Glad Nugget enjoyed preschool and that you're happy with it. Our Open House is 2 weeks from tonight and I'm excited and sad all at the same time.

    ((hugs)) mama!

  4. I feel you, they grow up way too quickly!

  5. Yikes. Really, pre-school already?
    Time flies and it really isn't fair.

    Sending your mama heart a big hug.
    He sure is cute.

  6. Unfortunately, you will never be ready. I am not ready for Bri to be in kindergarten, but she is there now. I can't believe Nugget is going to be in preschool - time flies!

  7. I too am with you on not being ready and wanting our babies to stay our babies...forever! I always have had to remind myself that once they start school it is a time of such growth and such a fun time for us parents and Nugget will for sure thrive. Now you're gearing up for preschool and I'm looking at colleges with my son. I am not ready. Hugs to you my friend.
