April 6, 2012

Second Referral-Versary

Two years ago today we saw this sweet picture of our Nugget.

Nugget finally sat still after I handed him some cars.

Some how the years are going at warp speed now.  I can't believe I have been Nugget's
mom for two years!  He makes me smile every day!

Happy Referral-versary to all of our travel mates!!


  1. Still the same sweet little face. Happy referral-versary!

  2. 2 years gone in the blink of an eye! Great pics of Nugget with his referral pic. Both the sitting still one and all the fun outtakes!!

    Congratulations friend!

  3. I can not believe it has been 2 years already!!! He is such a handsome little boy!!! Enjoy everyday as they go way to fast!!
