March 27, 2010

Want to Take A Guess?

For those of you who have been around for the long haul you may remember this bulletin board. I put this board up in my classroom back in May, 2007. At the time I thought it would be up until the fall.

In all of my years of teaching ~ which have been quite a few ~ I have never had the same bulletin board up for more than a few months. This one has been up for THREE YEARS. Over the years the pictures have changed, but that is about it. It is not that I haven't enjoyed looking at the cute pictures, I do. Looking at the calendar that hadn't seemed to change much has been quite difficult at times.

Every time I threatened to take it down there was almost a battle cry from the students not to change it. They liked checking the days off of the calendar.

It was actually quite exciting the day we were able to check off the last days!!!

This past week I decided I HAD to change to bulletin board. My senior class and I decided we would have a little friendly contest to help pass the time until the next batch of referrals. I came up with this sheet.
I passed out maps of China with the Provinces labeled. We talked about the Provinces in China and I tried to focus the Provinces where many of the referrals have been coming from. I still have a guess of Tibet and Taiwan, I tried. Photobucket

Here is the new look of our board.

The empty spaces have filled up since I took this picture. The sweetest gift happened because of this new bulletin board. Word has gotten around town about our referral getting close. This week three of my former students, who have graduated, heard about this little game. They called to see if they could come and 'Take A Guess'. It really means a lot to me.

Anyone want to 'Take A Guess'? I'll even add it to the board if you like!


  1. LOVE IT.. my eyes teared up on this post.. this is exciting..
    You are sooo close my friend.. Can't wait ...

  2. I wanna guess.

    Birthdate: June 26, 2009

    Province: Hubei (Is that a province?)


  3. I'll take a guess that your Polar Cub will share Maisie's birthday (different year though) and be from the same province. My guess: October 17, 2009 and ChongQing.

  4. I want to guess!!!


    Birthday: October 18, 2009

    Province: Jiangsu

    You're NEXT!!!

  5. I hope the time passes quickly for you! :)

    Birthday: June 10, 2009
    Province: Guangxi

  6. I remember you blogging about this bulletin board before. SO close now!!!!

    Here is my guess:

    Birthday: July 21 (in between my girls)
    Privince: Jianxi
    Girl :-)

  7. First, can I just tell you how happy I am that you got to change that bulletin board!!!!

    Second, my guess...

    Girl, Guangdong Province, Birthday August 2, 2009

  8. Super exciting!!!

    My guess is: Girl!
    Province: Hunan
    Birthdate: September 9, 2009

    You're ohsoclose and we couldn't be more excited for you!!!

  9. LOVE IT!

    My guess is a girl from Jiangxi and DOB is September 21st, 2009

    Keep smilin!

  10. Oh I so can not wait to see the cub up on that wall!!! guess is Jiangxi of course and....September 17, 2009

  11. BOY.
    Jiangxi (because I want HIM to be from the same province as Low - pure selfishness here)
    June 5, 2009.

  12. A girl born Aug 16 and from Jiangxi.

    Next is nice!!!

  13. I say Hunan and her bday is going to June 30,2009. That is Franks bday so we will see. I love the bulletin!!!

    Love ya, Kristy

    Keep an eye out for a package, it's just something small that when I saw it I immediately thought of you!!!

  14. I wanna guess!!!!

    I'm going to say:
    September 1, 2009

    Come on referral!!!

  15. BOY!!!


    Jan 8, 2009

    So excited for you!!!!!
    I feel like you have been waiting FOREVER. I can only imagine your you feel. :)


  16. Woo-hooo!!! What an awesome bulletin board. Here are my guesses:
    Jiangxi (like Ellie!)
    October 11, 2009

  17. Great idea. Love the bulletin board.

    Aug 28, 2009

  18. Girl

    Hunan Province

    Birthday August 26, 2009!

    Yay! Can't wait to see! I check every day LOL

  19. oh i'm no good at guesses... but this is SO awesome! i will only say she will be the most beautiful child you've ever seen in your entire life :O) i speak from experience!

  20. I'm really late here but I want to play too.

    Born June 9th 2009

    Hubei Province.
