March 30, 2010

Word is...

...storks may be flying soon!

One thing I know for sure ~
Polar Cub HAS BEEN matched.


  1. OMG. It's finally happening. I am BEYOND excited and I cannot wait to find out more about Polar Cub. I've had a secret wish that you would receive your referral on the anniversary's of Jazzie's, which is tomorrow. It doesn't look like that will be happening, but at least it is soon!!!!!!

  2. WOO HOO!!!! I'm on pins and needles so I can't even imagine how you must be feeling.

  3. OMY!!!!! SO exciting! SO exciting!!!!!!

  4. This is too much... after all of this time. Even your -------- word seems to fit "this is -------- exciting"! Deep breath, one more step closer.

    This is a big Woo Hoo
    from Polar Cub's Maemae

  5. The big day is almost here. Your little cub is scratching at the door wanting to come in and snuggle

  6. I am so excited for you and will keep checking back x

  7. Congrats and can't wait to see where your daughter is from and how old she is. We waited almost 2 years, I can't imagine what you have gone through. Sit back, breath and relax, for the journey of your lifetime.

  8. pssst, get ready for the time of your life!

  9. After all this time... the time is finally NOW.

  10. I habe chills running up and down my arms for you right now!!!! This is so exciting!
    ( I have been checking in on your blog periodically over your wait and though I don't comment often, I have been thinking of you)
    Oh my GOD! Sleep now.
    No. Sleep. Because once that call comes in? WOO HOO it's all happening....

  11. I'm so excited for you!!!! I better make a guess down below before it's too late... LOL!

  12. Go stork, go. Check your GPS and take the short cut....please hurry!
    Remember to breathe!!!! Well, how in the world can anyone breathe at a time like this. I need oxygen.

  13. OMG! OMG! OMG! I am glued to this blog!!!

    Keep smilin!

  14. Oh my word!!! Huge grin, goose bumps and tears just reading that!!!

    Praying you hear about Polar Cub before the long weekend!!!

  15. YEA.... I sooo cannot wait..

  16. my Charlie's Angel skillz say that today is the day........
    I have never been wrong in the past....
    I seem to have a sixth sense for these things.

  17. Dear Polar Cub,

    This letter is one of the hardest for me to write. I have seen the tears in your Mom’s eyes. She loves you so much and aches to hold you. She is going to be such a great mom. She is kind and will teach you so many things. She has waited such a long time to be your mommy! She will read you stories, she will act silly and make Christmas cookies with you every year. She will teach you to be strong and believe in yourself. She will love you always; I have seen it in her eyes.

    Your mommy is such a good friend. She has never stop loving or dreaming about you. The moment you are placed in your loving mommy's arms we will all be crying tears of happiness!

    Guess what Polar Cub? She will be there very soon to bring you home! This is one baby announcement I can't wait to see!!!

    Love Mommy’s Friend,


    Soon we will all be crying tears of joy with you!!!

  18. omg HAPPY EASTER. what an easter THIS will be!!!!

  19. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i said a reallllly bad word out loud in this room i was so flipping excited!!! i need a diaper. i'm going to pee my pants.

  20. just checking in ... anxiously awaiting your arrival with you!

  21. I'm still sick, but I'm checking in because I am dedicated to seeing you become a mama!! Thinking of you!!
