December 2, 2010

Mostly Pictures

Cooking With Mom

Tonight Big Bear took pictures of how I cook every night of the week.  When we get home from school Nugget wants to be near me, preferably he wants me to hold him.  Over the last few months we have mastered cooking together.  When possible he sits on the counter.  I have also mastered doing many things one handed while holding Nugget.

Nugget has even started to help whenever possible!
Thanksgiving, 2010
Hey Girls!  May I join you?
Nugget loves his cousins!
When we are at Nannan's house Nugget LOVES to dance with Santa!
Let's Play it Again!
Dancing the afternoon away!
All the girls came and joined in the fun!!

First Snow
Zac saw his first snow on December 1st.  He kept saying, "Oooooooo!"
This is my new favorite picture!


  1. Love the pictures!!!!
    And I also love that last one in his little footy jammies. So cute!

  2. I absolutely love that last picture! Perfect!

    Looks like you had a perfect Thanksgiving. :D

  3. Ohhh How I LOVE that last pic... amazing with the reflection and awe of his first snow!!!

    And I LOVE the pictures of you cooking together... I miss you!!!


  4. Love the red jammies - he looks like he's been superimposed into the picture :) Did you guys get to go out and play in it or did it go away too soon? Wish you were up here today - we've gotten about four inches so far, and I think it's here to stay.

  5. Love those foot jammies!!!! I also love that you get him involved in the kitchen. I'm thinking I need to do that with Jenny...she too just wants me to hold that time of night and it's kinda hard to make dinner with one hand. I usually put her in the ergo on my back or in a highchair in the kitchen but I love the thought of her helping! Thanks for the thought. Oh and we need a video of Nugget dancing with Santa!
