January 1, 2011

Top Ten Photos of 2010

For the past few days I have been trying to write an end of the year post.  I have had trouble doing this because it has been such an amazing year I didn't know how to put into words just how special this year has been to me.  It has been so amazing in fact, I didn't want 2010 to come to an end.

This morning I was going through some of my favorite blogs when I came to TonngguMomma's post with her Top 10 Photos of the Year.  What a wonderful idea!!!  I am stealing copying borrowing her idea with my own Top 10 Photos of the Year.

Going through all of the photos from the past year was fun.  I can't believe how much Nugget has grown and changed in just the past seven months.  It was tough to choose just 10 pictures.  I could really do a top 20 list, but I will stay in the guidelines.  Here are my favorites in a countdown to number one:

The moment we first met Nugget.  I will never forget the sadness in his cries.

My mother-in-law has this Santa that Nugget LOVES.
He will spend hours playing the music and dancing with Santa.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this picture.
It is one of the pictures that came on with our referral package.

Finally!  My niece and nephews with the youngest little cousin!

I love this picture!  Nugget loved to stand on this toy and 'sing'.
He doesn't do it as often anymore, but he was so happy this particular morning ~ it's a good memory.
This picture was taken in July.  It made me happy to see Nugget look Bear in the eyes.
 Eye contact is so important in attachment, I knew the work we were doing was helping -one day at at time.
We still work every day on our attachments ~ it is going to be a while until Nugget feels 100% secure but every second is worth the effort.
It is hard to catch a smile of Nugget on camera.  This picture is priceless to me.
 It shows our happy boy!
This picture was taken at Nugget's baptism.
I LOVE this boy!!!

No Words Necessary!
April 6, 2010
My favorite picture of the year!
My family - my Loves!!

As much as I am sad to see 2010 end, I am just as excited to see what 2011 will bring.  I look forward to   watching Nugget grow and develop.  Every day he changes ~ almost too fast.  I look forward to seeing him experience new things.  I look forward to growing as a family.  I look forward to the year ahead.

Happy New Year to All of you!!!


  1. Oh, thanks for playing! 2010 was such a HUGE year for your family - and the photos really tell the story. I just know 2011 will be phenomenal as well. Happy New Year!

  2. Wonderful pictures and memories. Wishing you a wonderful 2011.

  3. I KNOW it was hard to choose just 10 photos.! What a great idea though. I too have struggled trying to write and end of year post. Then I tried to write a beginning of the year post. Failed at that too. Maybe I'll just steal this idea of the 10 best pictures. :0)

    Happy New Year Friend. Looking forward to seeing you this summer. (or sooner)

  4. What an AMAZING year you had! I am so happy you were blessed with that perfect, beautiful little boy!

    Happy New Year!!!

  5. I love, love, LOVE this post! All the pictures are amazing and so indicative of the transformation you have all been through. What a year! So happy for you. :)

  6. So happy to see these beautiful pictures of your family and so happy you let us share your joy.
    Hoping your New Year is the best in the history of the universe.

  7. Beautiful! A picture DOES say a 1000 words.

    I am so glad to have found you here. I MISS you and can hardly wait to see you again.

    Happy New Year from C&C

  8. The BEST pictures of 2010!!

    Sorry I am SO behind on saying hi but I'm loving catching up with you, Bear and Nugget! Love that last capture the best!!
