April 19, 2011

Busy Day

Today was a very busy, productive day.  We drove to Lexington for our last visit with the social worker.  It's hard to believe that after years of paper work, paper work, and more paper work it's all over.  It is really a surreal feeling.  It's a GREAT feeling!

We met Amy, our social worker, at the mall.  She likes to see how the child interacts in an open environment.  Nugget played in the play area while we chatted.  Thankfully my mom came with us and was able to keep an eye on Nugget.  (Thanks Mom!)  Amy was happy to see how Nugget kept checking for me.  She was amazed how much he has grown in just six months.  She commented that he is such a happy boy!  :o)
Maemae and Nugget watching the man with a helicopter.
This summer I will be working on getting Nugget's Kentucky birth certificate.  I'm sure there will be more paper work involved, but it can't be as bad.

We went to lunch at PF Chang's to celebrate after the meeting.  Nugget enjoyed chicken lo mein.  I was so excited, he ate something other than mac & cheese.

Later in the evening we went to Uncle B's baseball game.  Nugget's favorite thing about a baseball game is the popcorn.

Nugget sharing some of Pop's popcorn while he watches the game.  This picture is precious to me because last Friday Pop was in intensive care at the hospital.  I am so thankful that he can be at the game holding Nugget just a few days later.


  1. Congrats Momma!!! What a great feeling it must be to be done! (for the moment!) I know that the paperwork will continue with the new BC... But it's all piece of cake from here on out!

    Happy last SW visit to you!!!
    Miss you... XOXO

    ps... my word verification is "fate" :o)

  2. Home one year....wow! What a blessing and huge milestone to have these SW visits behind you.

    That last pic is precious, especially knowing the circumstances.

    Nugget is as always....adorable!!

  3. Very special that Nugget has time with his Grands, very sweet. Congrats on being done with the SW.
