April 6, 2011

One Year Ago Today...

... we saw this amazing picture for the very first time!


  1. I remember that day. I will never forget when you called me in tears to tell me you had a BOY!!! Happy referral day!

  2. What a day that was! Seeing Nuggets face was pure surprise and JOY for all of us out here in blogger land!

  3. Can't believe that it's been a year already. Happy 1 year referral anniversary

  4. Oh my! I will never, ever forget that picture. I couldn't take my eyes off that face. Just amazing. Congratulations to all of you.

  5. How is it that the time before referral crawled by and now it moves at lightening speed? A year? How can that be??

    Your little man...so very very handsome!!

    I got goosebumps reading your post. Congrats again!
