October 12, 2008

Pumpkin Patch & 30 Months

Big Bear and I took our nieces, C and B, to a pumpkin farm yesterday. We had a LOT of fun! The best part of the day was when we were in the field. BB and I were looking at a pumpkin. It must have started as two pumpkins and then fused into one. While BB and I were standing there talking about it, B, who is three years old, came from behind us and said, "It looks like a butt." Then kept walking. BB and I laughed so hard. You can see some pictures of the 'butt' in the slide show. I wish we would have bought it now.

[rockyou id=124581753&w=426&h=319]

On another note:

I haven't kept count of our LID. I usually have to recount every month. This month is a big one though, so I thought should mention it.

Yesterday I was looking through my old blog trying to decide whether or not to keep it. I came across a post from when we were nine months logged in. At the time I wrote that were were probably half way there. Hah! Who Knew! I -surely to goodness- think we are 3/4 of the way there now! ;)

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